Please take a moment to read and understand what's going on. 1) Website is undergoing a major update.

01 Mar 2023, 12:32
🔎🔎Please take a moment to read and understand what’s going on. 🔍🔍 1) Website is undergoing a major update. They are moving the hosting. I’ve heard, from a tech friend, that this could take up to 72 hours. After that, the team needs to make sure that everything is running well. 2) Website certificate, has not been renewed and will not be until the webpage hosting is done. Metamask blocks access when there’s no certificate. 3) The mainnet is NOT down, it’s running perfectly. It’s your wallet that’s blocking you. If you really need to see your funds, download the Sphynx wallet/app. Their app trusts our explorer as they are our business partner. 4) Bridge liquidity is low, we know, so please wait for website update and you’ll understand more. If you must bridge, use XT exchange. I realize this is stressful for some investors. However, the team is doing some big moves right now. Your patience will be rewarded.