I will give everyone some inside info because I think that it speaks volumes about this project.

03 Jan 2023, 00:07
I will give everyone some inside info because I think that it speaks volumes about this project. Apologies to Robert and Cage in advance as I know you’re private people. Firstly, there is a mod lounge and in that lounge we get more regular communications from Robert and Cage. After, an absence at the end of November and starting of December, we were informed that the team got really sick from contaminated food. The team is now working in a central location; which normally would be amazing. However in this… our own black swan event, everyone got sick and I mean really sick. This also wasn’t a normal 24hr bout of food poisoning and it sounds like Robert got the worst of it. Why did he get seriously sick? He’s been working his ass off over the past year. He’s trying to build a top tier blockchain, run a company in a horrible market and create something truly innovative that doesn’t exist yet. He was already mentally and physically drained and this knocked him out really, really bad. (The good new is that he’s strong now and is going to make a full recovery.) I’ve also read that a lot of people remark/mention “why did Robert use the word “survive”?” Is Loop Network struggling? No… Robert, a non-English speaker, used the word survive because that’s what this last month has literally been for him. The word has probably come up numerous times in his head. This is a small team that’s working it’s ass off to build a revolutionary blockchain. They aren’t thinking small, they are thinking BIG. Crypto is the future for me, I don’t see us keeping our freedoms if the government can control all fiat currency and just print more when they want. I’m not leaving crypto and I’m definitely not leaving Loop. Robert and the team deserve a little breather to get their health back to 100%. They’ve earned this in my book. Loop Network is still moving forward and they’ll deliver. Will it be when you want it… no it won’t. It’ll be ready when the team decides it’s ready and then… it’ll rock the crypto space. Cage said it best in the mod lounge, “we’re not here to convince others; we’ll give results instead”. Results are delayed but they are coming. My suggestion is to still DCA or just leave your Loop in its wallet and go outside and appreciate that you still have your health.