I also see a lot of people talking about the next "Bull run" or saying the economy is bad and it's a long ways off.

17 Apr 2023, 21:33
I also see a lot of people talking about the next “Bull run” or saying the economy is bad and it’s a long ways off. However I think it can come in the next 6 months. James Bull pointed out that Bitcoin’s recent pump was linked to USA banks collapsing. I think he said that 10% was taken and put into crypto. My question is… how long will they be able to print their way out of this bubble…? My second question to you is… have you been watching the US dollar and China’s machinations on the global stage? China is pulling away traditional economic partners, like Brazil, Saudi Arabia and others from the US. They’re also stopping from using the US dollar as a global currency for trade. All those unused dollars will come back home and it’ll wreck the power of the US dollar. It’ll drop percentages. When the dollar loses value, what will happen to the 100+ billion of USDT and other stable coins? Will they convert to a Chinese yuan? Nope, they’ll buy bitcoin and Ethereum until the dust settles. A pump and panic may come. If we can position ourselves as the cheaper but faster than Ethereum counterpart thanks to our upgrades. We’ll pump so hard. When and if the moment comes. We’ll need all Loopers to take the week off and shill like possessed madmen.